Key things about Erasmus project writing
Completing an Erasmus+ or any other project call application might seem a daunting task. Yet, no worries, you are not the only one. Every single project is started with a bit of anxiety. That’s why preparation is needed. Below we give the main things to know while Erasmus project writing. And, afterwards, we will provide you with 10 tips to make your Erasmus project proposal excellent.
This post about Erasmus project writing was last updated in 2024.
Note: this post focuses on project writing style. If you would like to learn all about making a killer project plan/design check this 6-step article.
Summary of project writing tips
- Have a clear plan of what you want to achieve and how you will do that.
- You are writing not for yourself, but for the evaluator.
- Complicated words/sentences are not good.
- Rereading your answer from the start to the end is not a waste of time.
- Do not bullshit, but add details instead (see tips below)
- Make sure every paragraph is logically linked to one before / after.
- You should have the project’s end goal in mind in whatever your write.
- Unnecessary information / empty words should be avoided.
The ultimate summary of the project writing process – what to do before / during / after »
10 tips for writing Erasmus+ projects
We (in Active Youth Association) have read, fixed and submitted more Erasmus+ project applications (from KA1 to KA3 to Erasmus+ Capacity Building) than anyone else. True story (check our project list here). That’s why we have seen the most common mistakes & don’ts when Erasmus project writing. Ten top tips below will help you to avoid those.
10. Start with a clear plan
This cannot be said too many times. A plan is a lifesaver when Erasmus project writing. It will allow seeing the bigger picture, as well as not to lose the project’s main goal (which should always be your bottom-line).

Keep calm and write Erasmus+ projects
9. Deconstruct the longer application questions
For example, a question is like this “Why do you want to carry out this project? What are its objectives? What are the issues and needs that you are seeking to address through this project? In which way is this project linked to the objectives and principles of Structured Dialogue in the field of youth?”. That’s a bit long, isn’t it?
You could then divide it into smaller parts, like this: “Why do you want to carry out this project?” and give your answer to this sub-question; “What are its objectives?” – give your answer to this & so on. This makes it easier not only for you. But also for the evaluator (to find the parts of the answer he/she is looking for).
8. Use bullet points & formatting
It’s worth using anything that helps the evaluator find the information he/she is looking for. Bullet points or numbering is, thus, a very useful hack in Erasmus project writing. What else:
- bolding important parts
- underlining
- CAPITALISING if necessary
Note: do not overdo, however. And, more importantly, be consistent with your formatting (keep a similar style throughout your application).

The same text with no formatting (left) vs. with recommended formatting (right)
7. Add detail instead of bullshitting
If you’re having trouble with the length of your answers (i.e., there is not enough text), there is an easy fix for that. Just think of the main details of an activity/output, etc. and add them accordingly.
For example:
- Doing research (15 characters)
Can become:
- Doing research on climate change mitigation in 6 participating countries. It will include: literature review, interviews with climate scientists, survey for the general public (Char. count: 177)
- What was done? We simply added answers to the following: ‘on what’, ‘where’, ‘what’s included’
- Result: 12x increase in the text volume
6. Avoid sentences longer than 2 lines
Remember the evaluators (of Erasmus+ projects) are people and they prefer readable stuff. It’s proven that shorter sentences are easier to read and understand. Don’t go against that science.
Looking for advice for your project proposal?
✍️ Let us know, we will always provide a consultation at no cost. If needed we can help to write the project proposal as well. Learn more here.
🤝 Looking for strong partners for your project: the idea might be relevant to our organisation, so why not us? Check out our PIF (partner information file).
5. Don’t use over-complicated words.
Once again simple stuff (and everyday language) is much better (because evaluators are regular people – like you and me). In other words, using lots of fancy words will not give you extra points in Erasmus project writing.
4. Don’t use the same noun/verb/adjective/adverb in the adjoining sentences
If you use ‘youth work’, ‘complete’, ‘sufficient’ (or any other word) three times in one sentence, it makes the reading rather unpleasant. The language is full of synonyms – use them! Need ideas – there are special tools on the internet, as well as within Microsoft Word (i.e. Thesaurus).
3. Use shorter paragraphs.
Long paragraphs in Erasmus project writing are scary. And, more importantly, they look scary. Make them shorter and your Erasmus+ project evaluator will thank you (hopefully, with extra points).
2. Refrain from ambiguities (vague statements)
Vague words/statements (for example, the word ‘some’) tell the reader (or, indeed, the evaluator) that you are not sure what you are writing about. Change them (i.e. make them more concrete).
1. Do not use first-person pronouns
If you use first-person pronouns (“I,” “me,” “my,” “we,” “us,” etc.), your Erasmus+ project application will look less professional.
Special tips for Erasmus+ KA2 projects: read on here.

Some dos & don’ts for project writing
Need some practice?
Check out our premium online course ‘Learn Grant Writing & Get Project Funding’ on Udemy (free preview available).
Want our help in writing projects?
Looking for more support in writing an Erasmus+ project of any type? We can contribute in many ways (sharing our full Erasmus project writing guide with you, helping to write your project directly or becoming expertise partners), simply click below:
Need a project proposal example?
Find a project writing sample of a successful Erasmus+ KA2 project here.
Want to check available EU projects & their deadlines?
This list provides you with all the European funds available in the field of youth.
We also recommend reading our blog post on how to improve your PIF.
About Active Youth Association
Lithuania-based for-purpose organisation of thinkers, doers and leaders. Get to know us better HERE.