In this report, we will focus on how to set-up a business incubator
specifically designed for young migrants. Essentially, the process
is the same as setting up a regular incubator, but there are a few
aspects that need special consideration in order for the hub to serve
the needs of migrants in the most effective manner.

Aging is one of the most significant social transformations nowadays.
People worldwide are living longer. Today, for the first time in history, most people can expect to live into their sixties and beyond. By 2050, the world’s population aged 60 years and older is expected to exceed that of young people aged 15 to 24.

In society, certain groups of people often face social exclusion. Such groups are LGBTQI, people with disabilities or injuries/concussions, migrants, girls and women. It is crucial to take into account each of the vulnerable groups, understand their needs and help them avoid any kind of social exclusion.

In this paper, integration is understood as a process involving migrants, institutions and local people of the receiving country, all of which are interrelated on legal, economic and social-cultural dimensions. Successful implementation of one of the dimensions is closely related to the successful development of the others.

Siekiant sėkmingai pasiekti užsibrėžtų tikslų, projektą tikslinga pradėti nuo tiriamojo pobūdžio dalies. Lietuvoje nebuvo tyrimų, kurie tirtų korupcijos formas santykyje tarp advokatų ir jų klientų bylas nagrinėjančių teisėjų. Taip pat, neaptikta tyrimų kalbant apie tai, koks yra projekto tikslinės grupės korupcijos suvokimas.

„Ko-Partnerystė regionų viešojo valdymo procesuose” paskaitų ciklo metu buvo susitikta
su 600+ jaunų žmonių. Kadangi projekto misija yra skatinti susidomėjimą politika ir
viešaisiais procesais tarp kuo daugiau jaunų Lietuvos žmonių, o aplankyti visus
regionuose gyvenančius jaunuolius nėra įmanoma, naudingą informaciją apie Lietuvos
valdžios institucijas, viešuosius procesus ir jaunimo galimybes priartėti prie jų siekiama
pateikti šiuo laisvai prieinamu leidiniu.

This toolkit was created in the framework of the KA2 project “ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR CULTYOURE” (EU4YOU) - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Capacity Building in the field of Youth. The project was coordinated by Youth Express Network and supported by Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Authored by “Business & Innovation Centre of Serres” with the contribution of Victoria Maldonado, IIC Mexican partner

In order to promote successful integration within new communities, the usual practice is to engage people in collective sports activities. Moreover, these activities can create an environment that fosters teamwork and respect. Essentially, sport can facilitate social inclusion of refugees. It offers a universal language that overcomes national, social and cultural boundaries.
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