Have you ever tried to volunteer? No? Then we totally recommend it! And those who volunteered already will agree that helping each other brings benefits not only for the community but also for you as a person.
Want to know how volunteering can benefit exactly? Well, according to Mark Horoszowski, Next Avenue Contributor, there are 4 surprising benefits of volunteering:
1. Volunteering gives you the impression that you have more time. According to research published in the Harvard Business Review by Wharton professor Cassie Mogilner, those who volunteer their time feel like they have more of it. This is consistent with earlier studies that indicate people who give to charity feel wealthy.
2. Volunteering your abilities allows you to learn new ones. Abilities-based volunteering, in my experience, is a wonderful way to build skills that can help you advance in your profession. In fact, skills-based volunteering abroad has been dubbed “the new executive training ground” in a Stanford Social Innovation Review article.
3. Volunteering your body benefits your overall health. “Research shows that volunteering leads to greater health,” according to a report from the Corporation for National and Community Service. Volunteers had a lower mortality rate, higher functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life than non-volunteers.”
4. Volunteering your expertise can help you get more experience. This is a common occurrence among highly competent professions such as investment bankers and business consultants. Volunteering in a different industry will also provide you with information that will assist you in changing careers. Volunteering initially might also help you establish your devotion if you wish to transfer from the business world to the nonprofit sector.
In addition, during the Erasmus+ youth exchange “Check Your Privilege” that happened in Kaunas, Lithuania, Jonė Matilda Rimavičiūtė introduced us to the importance and benefits of volunteering when combating social exclusion. She herself went to volunteer in Tanzania, where together with team members taught locals how to give first aid, play guitar, read and educate themselves. The experience is breathtaking, which inspired her to continue volunteering in Lithuania, in refugee centers and spread the word about the importance of volunteering.
To conclude, volunteering is an important tool to educate yourself, others, help the community and raise awareness about the importance of solidarity and tolerance to each other.