To improve the quality of European integration and inclusion programs by tracking refugee women’s learning and employment careers in host countries, with a specific focus on their unique needs.
- Develop tools to track integration and employment pathways of refugee women.
- Identify gender-specific gaps in current integration programs.
- Propose improvements to enhance the effectiveness of integration training and counseling services for women.
- Ensure that integration programs become more gender-sensitive and inclusive.
- Development and implementation of the “Women Integration Gap Detector.”
- Creation of the “HERoic Tracks Training Programme” for educators and social workers.
- Design and dissemination of a policy paper on gender-sensitive integration strategies.
- Organizing transnational project meetings, workshops, and training sessions.
- Establishing an online self-assessment tool for integration organizations.
- IGITEGO (Sweden)
- Cap Ulysse (France)
- Formazione Co&So Network (Italy)
- E.N.T.E.R GMBH (Austria)
- Fondatsiya na Biznesa za Obrazovanie (Bulgaria)
- Ljudska univerza Celje (Slovenia)
- Orient Express (Austria)
- VšĮ Projektų Inovacijos (Lithuania)
Project Manager