
"EuroChangeMakers" covers projects and initiatives that develop opportunities for mutual understanding, intercultural learning solidarity, societal engagement, and volunteering at Union level.


Euro changemakers propose an informal network of both civil society organizations from 18 countries and youth (ECMs). Both levels work together and aim at stimulating debate, reflection and promoting the European values through exciting and effective methods such as vlogging, interviews and Civic Hackathons. Furthermore, it creates several levels of possible engagement: from simple following of the #euroCM hashtag in the social media and keep updated with European news and opinions, to participation in a civic hackathon based on collaborative work and until assuming the role of ECM (EuroChangeMaker), volunteering for 8 months on EU related topics. In this process, the citizens are supported by policymaking experts from the partner organizations. Ultimately their views are collected, aggregated and transmitted into the format of a White Paper to the high-level stakeholders. 

This format analyzes the future of Europe in 3 main directions: social cohesion, climate change and digital.


Europos keitėjai (ECMs) – tai neformalus pilietinių visuomenės organizacijų iš 18 šalių ir jaunimo (europos keitėjų) tinklas. Tinklas dirba kartu ir skatina diskutuoti, apmąstyti ir propaguoti  europines vertybes pasitelkiant įdomius ir veiksmingus metodus (vlogai, interviu ir pilietiniai hakatonai). Įsitraukti galima įvairiai: #euroCM grotažymėmis (puikus būdas socialinėje žiniasklaidoje nuolat sužinoti apie Europos naujienas bei kitų žmonių nuomones) ar dalyvauti pilietiniame hakatone (kuris yra paremtas bendradarbiavimu ir ECMs vaidmens sudarymu, diskutuojant apie Europos sąjungą ir ją liečiančias temas). Šiame procese partnerių tinklui padės politikos formavimo ekspertai iš kitų organizacijų. Bendri projekto darbo rezultatai bus surinkti, apibendrinti ir perduoti baltosios knygos formatu aukšto lygio suinteresuotosioms šalims.

Šis projektas analizuoja Europos ateitį trimis pagrindinėmis kryptimis: socialinė sanglauda, ​​klimato kaita ir skaitmenine erdve.

This page was developed in the frame of the EuroChangeMakers Project, co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the production of this platform does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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