active youth click logo

Active Youth Click tiki, kad skaitmeninis raštingumas yra vienas svarbiausių įgūdžių šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje. Siekiame, jog jaunimas bei su jaunimu dirbantys žmonės taptų profesionaliais skaitmeninio turinio vartotojais bei kūrėjais.


Active Youth Click siekia sustiprinti skaitmeninį sąmoningumą ir įgūdžius tiek internetinėje aplinkoje, tiek naudojantis ja kaip priemone.

Mokomės ir tuo dalijamės

Active Youth Click yra pasiruošę mokytis iš partnerių visame pasaulyje, dalintis gerąja praktika bei plėsti geradarių ratą.

Mūsų tikslai

Inovatyvios erdvės

Norime kurti platformas, kursus bei įrankius, kurie palengvintų tiek neformalųjį švietimą, tiek bendrus mokymosi procesus

Skaitmeniniai įgūdžiai

Siekiame lavinti įvairius įgūdžius, kurie yra vertingi bei svarbūs šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje

Kibernetinės problemos

Reaguojame į internetinėje erdvėje kylančias problemas, pavyzdžiui, patyčias internete ir skatiname sąmoningumą jų atžvilgiu

Jaunimo įgalinimas

Naujų skaitmeninių būdų, skirtų tobulinti su internetu susijusius įgūdžius bei išvengti internete tykančių pavojų, suteikimas

Veiklų vykdymas remiantis esminiais ES pripažintais principais

Naujų skaitmeninių būdų, skirtų tobulinti su internetu susijusius įgūdžius bei išvengti internete tykančių pavojų, suteikimas

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J.a.: Asociacija “Aktyvus jaunimas”
Adresas: Naugarduko g. 32/2, Vilnius
Nuo: 2014
Tel: +370 (604) 94 917
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    You are lucky: this Erasmus PIF is being regularly updated and, thus, is up to date.

    National Agency identification Agency of International Youth Co-operation, Lithuania (LT02)
    Organisation full legal name Asociacija “Aktyvus Jaunimas”
    Acronym AJ
    National id 303244347
    ESC accreditation 2016-1-LT02-KA110-004956 / 2020-1-LT02-ESC52-007046
    DUNS number 365884752
    NCAGE code 014HR
    PIC number / OID 947299382 / E10165227

    Legal representative / Contact person

    First name Gediminas
    Family name Kondrackis
    Position Director
    Telephone +37064331871

    Brief Description

    Active Youth Click (AYc) is an online-focused team of Active Youth Association (AY) – a for-purpose organisation working with youth and communities in need in Lithuania and across borders.

    AYc mission: empowering  young people and those working with them through MIL and enhancing their skills in the online environment.
    AYc vision: increase digital awareness & skills in and through the online environment. 

    AY has been actively involved in local and international (youth) projects since 2014. Up until now, the organization has successfully implemented (getting just the highest scores from the evaluators) more than 60 separate project actions on its own (and several times that as a partner). What is more, our NGO has built up a large partnership network worldwide (more than 700 organisations) and belongs to Lithuania’s Youth Board (LiJOT) (a platform for dialogue with decision-makers). All of that can be used for the current project.

    In whatever activity we carry out, we follow our 3 core principles:

    1. Sustainability – seeking sustainable impact over the long-term;
    2. Compassion – being open & compassionate to target groups & other stakeholders;
    3. Can-do attitude – seeing opportunities rather than problems.

    Surely, it’s easy to list these values on paper and a lot harder to follow them through in real life.

    That is why we focus extensively on having the right team for every project. The people we will be working with (in the current project) are professionals with relevant experience and a record of success (whether in youth work and/or environment/climate fields). We also rely on a deep pool of volunteers (over 1000) and potential partners to ensure: 1) the project’s implementation goes smoothly; 2) the dissemination efforts reach the specified target groups.

    The projects AYc takes on, as a rule, focus on demanding issues (e.g. MIL, disinformation, cyberbullying). Hence, we look forward to the challenges offered by the current project.

    Relevant Experiences & Opportunities

    Active Youth Association has lengthy experience in running Erasmus+ projects. Therefore, we know how to chip in at all the steps of the project, starting with the application itself and finishing with result dissemination. We have carried out projects that have focused on digital skills, cyberbullying and others (see below).

    AY is an observer member of the Lithuanian Youth Council, which represents European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA) in Lithuania — an independent European organisation, composed of national and regional youth information co-ordination bodies and networks. We stand for developing, supporting and promoting quality youth information and practices at all levels to meet the information needs of young people and apply the principles of the European Youth Information Charter which also involves Online Youth Information. 

    Moreover, we follow UNESCO Global MIL Assessment Framework, which helps empower people and communities to participate in and contribute to global knowledge societies.

    Excellent digital literacy is our greatest aspiration and non-formal education is a key to promote it. AYc is helping youth and those working with them become experts in and through online environment by:

    1. Creating innovative WAYS and SPACES to develop digitally;
    2. Enhancing MIL and other digital SKILLS & COMPETENCES of youth and those who work with them ;
    3. Identifying and fighting ISSUES that appear online;
    4. Empowering youth and those who work with them to become ACTIVE ADVOCATES, producers and innovators of MIL;
    5. Promoting FREEDOM of EXPRESSION and other universal rights, values & key principles in the field  (e.g. EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade).

    Expertise of Key Persons Involved

    The key person involved in this application is the board member of AY – Gediminas Kondrackis. He is accompanied by other staff of the association, who all have international experience.

    Our staff are young leaders, who developed during their studies & life in different European countries. This has not only given them a strong (formal and non-formal) educational basis but has also taught them how to communicate with people coming from different cultural and social backgrounds.

    The key staff involved have been part of all the previous activities of the association. Therefore, they have the necessary knowledge to chip into the current project as well.

    Through their other endeavours, they have:

    1. Led seminars for youth about risks and possibilities that appear online;
    2. Created innovative online courses and platforms for youth workers;
    3. Educated youth about Erasmus+ & ESC opportunities;
    4. Lead or participated in Erasmus+ youth exchanges, training courses about online related issues and initiatives.

    All of this has given them a range of skills and competencies usable for the current project.

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    Which of these items can NOT be recycled?

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