sBUZZ → Social Buzz aims at boosting entrepreneurship of youth with fewer opportunities by providing youth workers with tools to teach & mentor this vulnerable group.
sBUZZ is a strategic partnership project aimed at boosting entrepreneurship of youth with fewer opportunities by providing youth workers with tools to teach & mentor this vulnerable group. The partnership supports youth in their path to stable income through developing their business ideas.
The Aim and objectives of the project – to help youth with fewer opportunities (18-30) to become social entrepreneurs by providing them with relevant training, mentorship, and online tools to generate and implement their ideas – was formed with regards to priorities of the consortium. Specially trained social / youth workers, career specialists & entrepreneurs will be used in this. Briefly, sBUZZ focuses on boosting youth with fewer opportunities for social entrepreneurship. The following OBJECTIVES are set (Note: all of them are SMART – specific, measurable, adaptive, relevant, time-bound):
- Evaluate social entrepreneurship skills & practices to support them amongst youth with fewer opportunities in partner
TARGET: Interview 40 youth with fewer opportunities, survey 120 youth workers, analyse 20 good practices in three months. - Raise youth workers qualifications and competencies on how to train and mentor young entrepreneurs with newly developed methods. TARGET: 12 y.w. in one month.
- Organise capacity training for youth to raise their capacity to start a business.TARGET: 20 youth participants in each of training on 10 different topics in 10 months per partner country.
- Create an interactive online platform for supporting youth with fewer opportunities. TARGET: in 4 months that will gather a minimum of 400 visitors in 14 months.
- Launch the Mentorship Programme to coach underprivileged youngsters on their way to creating business. TARGET: 30 youth with fewer opportunities in each partner country in 9 months
- Romania (CPDIS)
- Lithuania (AY)
- Turkey (EIG)
- Croatia (Institut za poticanje mladih)